Winter Line

This collection was created by local Chicago designer, Nate Barksdale. 

"The collection began with a question: "What if we gave a shit?" Admittedly, the question is vague but it was the spark that fueled my imagination. Somehow, picturing a better world made me more optimistic. I started to regain hope for a world where we respect each other's culture, express our most vulnerable selves only to be received by one another with love and kindness. I decided to include elements of nature in the designs because I wanted to illustrate a sense of transformation. To me, butterflies and flowers aren't just pretty, they are a symbol of growth, a reminder that with time we all can change. The earth tone colorways compliment a variety of natural skin tones and complexions. The subtext of each design is intentionally bold and is meant to directly engage the person reading it. Chicago Votes and The G.A.S campaign have a beautiful way of elevating the youth and encouraging people to use their voice. Ultimately, I wanted to create minimal fashion statements that speak for themselves."